When messages are imported into the data base at each netcall, the user names are read. OpenXP can put previously unknown names into your user list automatically, and this setting decides which ones. Note: persons to whom you send a PM are also automatically put in the list. All Puts all users in the user list. (Use with care) Z-Netz Puts only users whose addresses contain no ":" or "%" signs into the user list. That stops users which have come over gates from other nets being registered. PMs Puts only Users who send you a PM into your user list. Except under special conditions, PM's is the only sensible setting. Otherwise over time you get simply thousands of users in your list, 99% of whom you never have any cause to address. Persons you send messages to are put in anyway. You can put any user specially into your list while looking at their message in the message window, with Ctrl-U.