Enter here the character you wish to use as the quote character The usual and recommended character is > When you quote-reply to a message with <Ctrl R> or <Ctrl P>, or when you use /Message/Forward/QuoteTo or /Message/Extract/As_Quote, the message you are replying to is inserted in the editor with the quote character at the beginning of each line, to show that it's quoted. You may use any combination of characters you wish (but see info quote character) Note: spaces inserted after the character count as part of the character, to allow it to be separated from the text (or not) as you wish. If you wish, OpenXP will insert the initials of the person being quoted in the quote character. To achieve this use @. P.MANDRELLA gives PM> FRANK_MUELLER gives FM> GHOSTWRITER gives G> Initials will only be inserted in Non-RFC-networks. If you with to create initials on RFC-networks use @@ instead. You can also use $ instead of "@" and then no initials are produced for names with no divider.