Netcall Options [3]

 [x]  Use Hayes commands for the modem. Nearly         
      all (if not all) modern Modems use the Hayes     
      command set, a standardised set of commands for  
      telling modems what to do, typified by the "AT"  
      command (ATTENTION) at the start of every        
      command, also called AT command set.             
 With almost 100% certainty, this switch should be on  
 as above!                                             
 [ ]  It is highly unlikely that your modem does not   
      use Hayes commands (unless it is defective ;-),  
      but old things like acoustic couplers may come   
      into this category. This turns them off.         
      If you feel this is for you, you are on your own 
      as far as ensuring that the correct commands are 
      sent. You probably need to delete the modem init 
      command under /Config/modem/ and maybe set the   
      switch under /Config/Modem/../ignore CD.         
 This setting has no effect in Fido Netcalls.