
 Fido / Crash 
 Initiates the crash netmail and/or file request       
 procedure. For this to work, you need an installed    
 nodelist and a Primary Fido Server.                   
 - If the crash netmail/file request is destined for a 
   Fido Node, the Node's system will be called.        
 - If the crash netmail is destined for a Fido Point,  
   the Point's BossNode system will be called.         
 The "Crash" flag must be added to the netmail in the  
 "Send" dialogue by selecting "Special" and then by    
 selecting "Crash". It cannot be added in the message  
 Crash netmails/file requests can either be sent       
 immediately or "queued" ready for the next Netcall.   
 A Timing List can also be set up to send crash        
 netmails/file requests. This can be useful when the   
 destination system is not online 24/7.                
 IMPORTANT NOTE                                        
 Your Point address will be derived from your Primary  
 Fido Server configuration, which is OK if you have    
 just one Fido Server. However, if you have more than  
 one Fido Server, things are not quite so simple.      
 - Your Primary Fido Server is 2:250/1                 
 - Your Point number is 10                             
 Your address in the "From" field of the crash netmail 
 will be 2:250/1.10 regardless of which Fido Server    
 you select.                                           
 - You have another Fido Server (2:240/2188)           
 - Your Point number is 25                             
 - You want your address in the "From" field to be     
 Before selecting which Fido Server to use, you MUST   
 change your Primary Fido Server to 2:240/2188         
 If you don't do this, things may not work out as      
 expected ;-)                                          

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