
 Message / Direct 
 For real men. You can enter an address to send a       
 message to direct into the window, without looking it  
 3 entries are necessary;                               
 Server:    The Server over which the message           
            should be despatched. (This only appears    
            when you have more than 1 server)           
            The first letter(s) of the box-name are     
 Addressee  The name of the recipient. OpenXP           
            completes the name as necessary with the    
            address from the User List, or with .ZER    
            (not much use now that .ZER is no longer    
            Recipients not in the User list are         
            emphasised by emphasis of the word          
 Subject    The Subject line for your message.          
 You can enter one of the pre-defined short-names       
 as defined under /Edit/Short names instead of the      
 complete address.                                      
 Fido:  In Fido you can enter a part of the             
 address and select the correct completion from the     

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